Milo will be turning four (yes four years old!) this June and we cannot believe how quickly time has flown by! It feels like he was just a little baby only a few months ago, and now he is becoming this little boy with such a huge personality! He says, “Papa, Dada look! I have hair on my arms!” He literally is turning into a little man before our eyes and we want it to stop!! Time can slow down at any point!
If someone told us before, “Your kid going potty will be the most exciting thing ever!” We would have said, “That’s so gross!” Now any time Milo goes a night without a pee and goes to the toilet on his own, we are the most ecstatic parents ever!! It is amazing what things we start to celebrate since becoming parents!
Since becoming dads, there are a few things that we have learned along the way. Becoming a parent means you will eat lots and lots of pizza. Pizza for dinner, pizza for lunch, pizza at birthday parties. We swear we have never ate so much pizza in our life than we have probably within these last few years!
When becoming a parent, you will also get to spend a lot of time at kids birthday parties! Every weekend is usually spent in a room full of loud toddlers bouncing off of some form or something. You will form a relationship with the owner of the jumpy castle place and be on first name terms with them,
“Hey Bob, great seeing you again!”
“See you again next week BJ?”
Being a parent means spending lots of time at the park and you will soon learn of every single park in your town or city! You can push your kid in the swing for hours on end and they will never tire. You will get biceps like Arnold Schwarzenegger circa 1970!
Transition times; what are those you ask? Well you need to start preparing to leave anywhere at least an hour before you actually have to leave and give warnings. “Milo, we are leaving in half an hour!” Which is usually followed up with a, “No, in eight minutes!” We need to work on his counting skills! Hopefully there is no meltdown that occurs. And don’t get me started on trying to get him dressed before we go out! That itself is a whole other post!
Patience is a virtue. Although having all the patience in the world will sometimes get you no where! There is nothing like a meltdown in the middle of dinner because a certain someone all of a sudden doesn’t like cheese on their broccoli, or he wants more ketchup on the plate. Give us the strength to get through this one meal!
Bedtime seems to get earlier and earlier for us, but later and later for Milo. We are clonked out by 8 pm (that is super late for us now!) but Milo stays up well past 10 pm! One of us usually falls asleep before Milo does! Gone are the late night days. A great night is everyone going to bed early and sleeping the entire night, uninterrupted!
But one thing no one ever warned us about becoming a parent is how much love you have for your child. You see them grow, develop, get taller, become smarter and stronger. Not to mention heavier! It honestly hurts how much we love him. We look at Milo and wonder what he will be or look like when he grows up. We try to stop those thoughts because we want to relish these moments of “huggies” and “kissies” from him now before he says, “Stop! Don’t kiss me!” Enjoy every single moment. Time goes by so quick you will soon be a grandparent and be like, “What the hell?! I swear I was 40 years old like only five years ago!”
Oh, and take lots of videos!
Happy 4th Birthday Bubbaloo! Daddy and Papa love you so much! xxoo