When Milo turned two, friends and family would say, “Just wait for the terrible twos to start!” They came, they were terrible, (ok not all the time) and travelling with a two year old was trying at times, but it was still enjoyable (kind of)!
Milo just turned three at the end of June, and all of a sudden, he became a threenager. What the heck is a threenager you ask?! Well let me tell you. It’s when your three year old knows better than you, pretty much defies EVERYTHING you ask them to do and they will have a melt down over the simplest little things!
Life is now a huge production and we live on Milo time now! A certain little person has opinions, and lots of them!
There are questions, and the answer given is never good enough! “Why Dada?, Why Papa?” are probably the words we hear the most during the day!
Forget about kisses and saying I love you. Kisses are wiped off and when we say, “I love you Milo” he says, “I don’t love you!”
Everything is NOW NOW NOW! “I want to go to the playground NOW!” or “I want a chocolate egg NOW!” Any form of waiting is thrown out the window!
He wants to be picked up and carried EVERYWHERE, even though he is more than capable of walking. Not to mention he weighs more than a sack of flour at this point!
Going to bed now takes about two hours! He has to choose his book. Then the book he chooses he doesn’t like, so he needs a new one. The lights have to be turned on and off about 1000 times. We can’t forget about jumping on the bed for half an hour too. Finally. comes the, “Lay with me Papa” and 7:00 pm bedtime turns into 10:00 pm!
Why would it be easy to put on your shoes and jacket and go outside? Let’s run around the kitchen a bazillion times, then go limp like a wet noodle when you try to pick him up! Why make this process easy?!
You can never do things yourself anymore. Your threenager insists on doing everything for himself . You open the door and he screams, “NO! Me do it!” So you have to shut the door and let them open it. Only to have him slam it and start laughing!
Naps are virtually non existent at this point, even though they are super tired and need one because they didn’t go to bed until 11:00 pm and up at 5:00 am and have been on the go from the moment they wake up!
Milo really likes to tell us to “Shush!” If he is watching TV and we ask him a question, “Shush!” he will yell at us!
Although it’s tough at times and Milo pushes our last nerves, this new stage is fun and exciting. He really is becoming his own little person with a huge personality. He is confident, social, hospitable, smart, loving, and funny, and not to mention stubborn. He tells funny stories (even though we don’t understand them half the time) but he laughs his head off at them! He is also very affectionate. (When he wants to be!)
Apparently it gets better, the next stage is the F%$k You Fours!! Yay! Can’t wait!!
Originally posted on Gays With Kids