Guess what? Life isn’t always happy smiles, perfectly taken photos, well behaved children.
Last week was a trying one. This whole virtual learning is getting the better of us all. Milo was totally checked out by the end of the week. He was disconnected from school, was misbehaving and there were a few melt downs had by us all.
Then there’s the full time playmate, teacher, friend, parent. On top of this we have our jobs we have to tend to at work, and at home. It’s overwhelming.
We cannot be on 100% of the time with our kids and be expected to be on 100% of the time with our jobs. How can we manage? The math doesn’t add up.
We receive messages like “You guys are so happy”, “Your life is perfect”, “You’re always having fun!” Well, this is not the case. We get on each others nerves, we argue, there’s yelling, tears and we need a break from one another. As perfect as people portray their lives on social media, guess what, no ones life is.
We all need to take care of our mental health during this time. Be kind to yourselves. It’s hard for kids, and us, to be online all day, and if we need to disconnect from being online, social media, take a break from school, we have to remember that it’s ok.